MediaWiki File Cache

MediaWiki 对File Cache主要由以下参数控制:


$wgUseFileCache = true; /* default: false */
$wgFileCacheDirectory = "$IP/cache";
$wgShowIPinHeader = false;

其中$wgShowIPinHeader = false;选项为必须项,但是自2009年一月27日版本r46374起,该操作由系统自动完成,所以具体还要看你的Wiki版本是多少。
$wgFileCacheDirectory = “$IP/cache”;其中$IP意为指Install Path,即安装路径,是不能够通过LocalSettings.php设置的。$IP/后面接着的字符串即为你所指定的缓存文件夹。一般使用cache或者filecache。
$wgUseFileCache = true;该选项设置是否使用文件缓存功能,默认值是false,即不开启。


$wgUseGzip = true;

但是注意!在使用该参数之前,请确保您的MediaWiki并没有开启gzip,否则将会返回给用户2次gzip过后的内容,导致浏览器不能正常解析。本站Wiki通过修改index.php以及load.php的代码,为全Wiki站启用了gzip压缩,而第一次设置的时候没有考虑到这一点,还同时启用了$wgUseGzip导致浏览页面一片乱码,最终找到问题,并且此篇文章写成前也在官方Wiki站找到了相关说明:File Cache Compression

坦克世界 XML 文档提取工具

坦克世界 XML 文档提取工具
在坦克世界中,xml文档是经过自定义压缩的,记载了游戏的各种设定、参数,主要集中在 resscriptsitem_defs 中。更多信息请移步

作者 Hamilleton/ZZR






Microsoft .Net Framework 4 Client Profile
Microsoft Office Excel 2003*
Microsoft .Net Framework 4
Microsoft Office Excel 2010*带*号项目并非强制必需,仅在需要使用Excel导出功能时才有依赖。


Effective C++ Item 12: Prefer initialization to assignment in constructors

When you write the NamedPtr constructor, you have to transfer the values of the parameters to the corresponding
data members. There are two ways to do this. The first is to use the member initialization list:

template<class T>
NamedPtr<t>::NamedPtr(const string& initName, T *initPtr )
: name(initName), ptr(initPtr)

The second is to make assignments in the constructor body:

template<class T>
NamedPtr<t>::NamedPtr(const string& initName, T *initPtr)
    name = initName;
    ptr = initPtr;

There are important differences between these two approaches.
From a purely pragmatic point of view, there are times when the initialization list must be used. In particular,
const and reference members may only be initialized, never assigned. So, if you decided that a NamedPtr
object could never change its name or its pointer, you might follow the advice of Item 21 and declare the
members const:

template<class T>
class NamedPtr {
    NamedPtr(const string& initName, T *initPtr);
    const string name;
    T * const ptr;

This class definition requires that you use a member initialization list, because const members may only be
initialized, never assigned.
You’d obtain very different behavior if you decided that a NamedPtr object should contain a reference to an
existing name. Even so, you’d still have to initialize the reference on your constructors’ member initialization
lists. Of course, you could also combine the two, yielding NamedPtr objects with read-only access to names
that might be modified outside the class:

template<class T>
class NamedPtr {
    NamedPtr(const string& initName, T *initPtr);
    const string& name; // must be initialized via
    // initializer list
    T * const ptr; // must be initialized via
    // initializer list

The original class template, however, contains no const or reference members. Even so, using a member
initialization list is still preferable to performing assignments inside the constructor. This time the reason is
efficiency. When a member initialization list is used, only a single string member function is called. When
assignment inside the constructor is used, two are called. To understand why, consider what happens when you
declare a NamedPtr object.
Construction of objects proceeds in two phases:
1. Initialization of data members. (See also Item 13.)
2. Execution of the body of the constructor that was called.
(For objects with base classes, base class member initialization and constructor body execution occurs prior to
that for derived classes.)

SQL data character set configuration

Days ago I posted an article containing Greek characters which didn’t go as expected, but I failed to look further in this issue. I totally didn’t realize that it has some thing to do with my database character set configuration.

But today, a friend post a comment on my page and it’s so sad that the comment became multiple question marks “????…”. And this is when I realized that there was something wrong and by Googling I gained the knowledge that it may has something to do with my American free web space provider, who provided SQL database but in latin character set as default, which leads to the whole following things.

It’s tough to change the character set field by filed but finally I made it, and this web site is supposed to be compatible with all UTF-8 characters.

Overload the Logical Operators to Sort Strings Alphabetically

Overload the Logical Operators to Sort Strings Alphabetically

In c++, we have function like strcmp(const char* c1,const char* c2) to help us decide which is alphabetically before the other. Yet we still want to use a more easy-going function as a bool operator < or something else like other logical operators.

And here we have a customized user-define class String, which is incomplete due this is only for demonstration of overloading operators.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

class String{

	char* chars;


	int length;

	String String::operator =(const char* r){
		for(int i=0;i<=length;i++){
		return *this;

	String String::operator =(String r){
		for(int i=0;i<=length;i++){
		return *this;

	char &String::operator [](int idx){
		return chars[idx];

	bool operator <(String r)
		for(int idx=0;idx<=(length<r.length?length:r.length);idx++)
				return true;
					return false;
		return false;

	bool operator >(String r)
		return r<*this;

	bool operator ==(String r)
		return !(*this>r)&&!(*this<r);

	bool operator !=(String r)
		return !(*this==r);

	bool operator <=(String r)
		return !(*this>r);

	bool operator >=(String r)
		return !(*this<r);

	friend ostream&operator <<(ostream &os,String &right);

	friend istream&operator <<(istream &is,String &right);

	String(int n){
		chars=new char[length];

	String (){

	String (const char* cs){


ostream & operator<<(ostream &os,  String &right)
	for(int i=0;i<=right.length;i++)

	return os;

istream & operator>>(istream &is,String &right)
	int idx=2;
	char* tmpcs=new char[idx];
	char c;
	int i=0;

	return is;


template <typename T>
void sort(T *source,int startidx,int endidx)
	for(int i=startidx+1;i<=endidx;i++)
		for(int j=startidx;j<i;j++)
				T key=source[i];
				for(int k=i;k>j;k--)
int main()
	String group[5];

	cout<<"Please input 5 words"<<endl;
	for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
	cout<<"after the sorting"<<endl;
	for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
	return 0;

Microsoft Excel Add-In Updated

Today I got this small add-in updated.
Add-in page at APP Page

This update including several main changes as following:

1, Change UI from Office Ribbon to Windows Form which is more organized.

2, Title insertion adds a new function and now users can get the range by a simple click rather than brain taken inputs.

3, Adds a function that can compare data in two ranges.

Get Excel Selected Range via VSTO with C#

These days I have been working on the development of an Excel Add-in and learnt a way to get the currently selected range in Excel.
Take it for example that your Project namespace is ExcelAddIn. Firstly, you should refer the interop by following code:

using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;

and you can get a string consistent with the Range you selected by following code:


which would return a string in format like “$A$1:$B$2″ for rectangles,”$1:$2” for rows and “$A:$B” for columns.

Dynamic Pointer and Dynamic Memory Allocation in C++

Days ago a mate asked me a favor in his code and I got trouble in dynamic pointer and dynamic memory allocation.
Well, one-dimensional pointer is easy to use, and you can easily expand it’s occupied memory size by using realloc() as following:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int n=2,* pint;
void Initialization()
	pint=new int[n];
void DoSomething(){}
int main()
	return 0;
But when it comes to the two-dimensional pointer, it nolonger works if you write some code like this:
<pre lang="cpp" line="1" file="code2.cpp" colla="+">
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int n=2,len=20;
char** ppchar;
void Initialization(){
	ppchar=new char*[n];
	for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
		ppchar[i]=new char[len];
void DoSomething(){}
int main()
	ppchar[n-1]="this is a new one";
	return 0;

That is because you failed to notify the system, or in other words declare the address of ppchar[n-1].
And here is a correct version of the same function by adding a statement between line 16 and 17:

ppchar[n-1]=new char[len];

Excel Add-in for Excel 2007 and 2010

Tonight I made great effort to this project which is an excel add-in for easy adding titles to the mass content. The add-in is developed under Visual Studio 2010 with Visual Studio Tools for Office in C# (CSharp), and it may need .Net Framework 4 Client Profile and Visual Studio Tools for Office Runtime.

Download the Excel Add-in

Here’s the situation. You have the table like this:

Title B1 Title C1 Title D1
Title B2 Title C2 Title D2
Content Index 1 various content various content various content
Content Index 2 various content various content various content
Content Index n various content various content various content

and you would like it to be something like this:

Title B1 Title C1 Title D1
Title B2 Title C2 Title D2
Content Index 1 various content various content various content
Title B1 Title C1 Title D1
Title B2 Title C2 Title D2
Content Index 2 various content various content various content
Title B1 Title C1 Title D1
Title B2 Title C2 Title D2
Content Index n various content various content various content

Then this Excel Add-in would help you a lot from copying n pasting n coping n pasting…

Hope you enjoy it! Good night world!


Enable the Gzip Compression

Have been struggling on how to turn on the gzip compression. I mean the Super cache plugin enabled compression but not always works. So I searched the Internet to find solutions, and got nothing.

Until then, someone mentioned it can be enabled by modifying the .htaccess and here follows the code,

 SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/css image/gif image/jpeg image/png application/x-javascript 

It works! Thank god!

And good night the world.