My dear grandpa Jinnan Zhuang passed away in the late night of Dec. 28, 2024. He was a toponymy scholar, published a few gazetteers. He lived a simple and honest life, raising one son, one daughter, and two grandchildren, and giving great support to his wife. Although he might not be used to leave it in word, we know his deep care for families.
In memory of dear grandma
My dear grandma Guizhen Song passed away in the early morning of Nov. 11, 2024. She lived a tremendous life, devoting herself to the telecommunication industry, raising one son, one daughter, and two grandchildren, and caring for her beloved husband.
University swimming contest 2024: 50m freestyle and 4x50m relay
Competed for 50m freestyle and finished in 35″91 at the university swimming contest held on 06/19/2024. Achieved 3rd place in 50m freestyle and contributed to 3rd place in 4x50m relay.
University swimming contest 2023: 50m freestyle and 4x50m relay
Competed for 50m freestyle and finished in 36″13 at the university swimming contest held on 06/07/2023. Achieved 2nd place in 50m freestyle and contributed to 3rd place in 4x50m relay.
New Personal Best 50m Freestyle
New personal best record for 50m freestyle of 35″21 at the university swimming contest held on 06/09/2021. Achieved 2nd place in 50m freestyle and contributed to 6th place in 4x50m relay.
Recent Progress
Bench press: 70 kg @ 8rm
Dead lift: 90 kg @ 10rm, 110kg @ 3rm
Squat: 60 kg @ 8rm
and that is 220 kg in total. This years target 300 kg.
Training Notes March 11 – 16
March 11, Thursday
Earlier this week, I got small injuries at either my anterior deltoid or biceps or pectoralis major. So I reduced the bench press volume from Sunday to Tuesday, zeroed bench press volume at Wednesday and here we goes the Thursday.
Bench press: 65 kg x 8 reps x 1 set. Still not a full recovery, but I managed to do one set. And to lower the tension from wherever the injury lies, I pulled my elbows closer to my torso, and got better muscle sense for the chest.
Romanian deadlift: 65 kg x 8 reps x 4 sets. The trajectory still needs refinement. The lower half range feels perfect, but the upper half range is a bit off and somehow the lower back is involved, which is not good.
Seated Cable Row: 35 kg x 15 reps x 2 sets, and 40 kg x 12 reps x 3 sets. I do get a bit sense that the muscles between scapulas are involved, however, lightly. I have to find out a better way to train the muscle groups at my back.
March 12, Friday
Late night working so I missed the training slot.
March 13, Saturday, Coach day.
Tried a few back training sets, single-side rope pulldown, basic dumbbell row, weighted pulldown machine. Did not find a perfect one. Single-side rope pulldown is a promising one, while pulling-down, bend over to the same side. Tried to position the hip a bit forward, but it is delicate. Too little, there is no sense on the back; too much, there is more involvement for the external oblique. Basic dumbbell row is good, but only when there is someone else assisting me to put the elbows close to my torso.
Did two sets of bench press for 60 kg x 8 reps. The coach thinks that my injury is around the origin of clavicular head for pectoralis major. He give me some techniques to massage and relax the origin of clavicular head, and it helps. The strange things is that when pressing the first set, I feel sore and some pain inside my right shoulder, while I feel much better at the second set.
March 14, Sunday
Bench press: 65 kg x 8 reps x 4 sets
Romanian deadlift: 65 kg x 8 reps x 4 sets. I think this combination may be a bit excessive for my arm. The last two sets of deadlifts are like hell.
Front lat pulldown: 35 kg x 10 reps x 3 sets
Rear lat pulldown: 35 kg x 10 reps x 3 sets
March 15, Monday
Sandstorm today. Rest day.
March 16, Tuesday
Bench press: 65 kg x 8 reps x 4 sets, and 60 kg x 8 reps x 4 sets, and 60 kg static hold x 10 seconds.
Single-side rope pulldown: the most impressive training today. 15 kg x 10 reps x 2 sides x 3 sets, and 10 kg x 8 reps x 2 sides x 2 sets. I changed the movement a little bit today. First, I changed from straight-arm position to bend-arm position with elbows locked, and the tension on triceps are lower now. Second, I changed from bending the torso to rotating the torso while pulling down, and this is extremely good as I got really well muscle activation at almost every pull.
Seated cable row: 35 kg x 10 reps x 3 sets.
Target for Year 2021
Current Status (March 2021):
- Body weight: 97 kg
- Bench press: 65 kg x 8 reps x 4 sets
- Romanian deadlift: 65 kg x 8 reps x 4 sets OR 60 kg x 10 reps x 4 sets
- Front Squat: 10 kg x 8 reps x 4 sets
Target by the end of 2021:
- Body weight: 95 kg
- Bench press: 95 kg x 8 reps x 4 sets
- Romanian deadlift: 95 kg x 8 reps x 4 sets
- Front Squat: 60 kg x 8 reps x 4 sets
Current Training Drill:
- Bench press
- 20 kg warming up
- 65 kg x 8 reps x 4 sets
- 60 kg x 8 reps x 2 sets
- 50 kg x 8 reps x 3~4 sets OR 50 kg static for 10~20 seconds
- Romanian deadlift
- 65 kg x 8 reps x 4 sets
- Seated Cable Row
- 35 kg x 15 reps x 3 sets
- 40 kg x 12 reps x 3 sets